Rock Anchoring Grout

Successful anchoring in damp and wet conditions can be problematic with standard epoxy and polyester anchoring systems resulting in costly failures and regrouting. Cormix has developed very rapid strength gain cementitious grouts that have an affinity with water and are more economical than these traditional technologies.
Our Solutions :
Congrout Rokfix
A cementitious rock bolting grout packed in a water permeable membrane, forming a shrinkage compensated grout providing high early compressive strengths and fast setting times.
Used for grouting rockbolts/anchors in tunneling and mining.
See data sheet
Congrout Rokfix S
A cementitious rock bolting grout packed in a water permeable membrane, forming a shrinkage compensated grout providing normal setting times.
Used for grouting rockbolts/anchors in tunneling and mining.
See data sheet