Cooling towers are subjected to tough service conditions water containing dilute chemicals , high temperatures , vibration and constant dampness resulting in rapid deterioration . The use of precast concrete elements in cooling tower design only exacerbates the problems As a result concrete is often damaged with spalling ,cracking and joints leaking .

Cormix has a range of products suitable to repair concrete in these conditions and with stand this service environment .
Remove all unsound concrete to expose rebar as necessary .Inject all cracks with Contite PUE300/301 moisture tolerant structural polyurethane
Coat cleaned rebar with Congard ST
Bring back to profile with Conpatch HS high strength >70N/mm2 high build polymer modified repair mortar containing a corrosion inhibitor .
Apply Conpatch NCI to all areas by spray
Coat all areas by spray applying Contite CFM highly flexible permanent waterproofing membrane containing crystalline waterproofing with crack bridging and crack sealing properties at 2mm thickness