How To Select A Waterproofer ?

The selection of material is determined by the area requiring waterproofing e.g. roof, basement, tanks, swimming pool, wet areas. pools etc, the service, installation conditions and skill of applicators.
what questions should be asked when selecting a waterproofing system ? Must it be UV resistant, will the concrete be dry or work carried out in the rainy season, what movement is expected, is cracking likely, are there any chemicals present, does the potential waterproofer need protection against back-filling or traffic. Is there likely to be a lot of detailing, is root resistance required ?
When considering sheet membranes there are problems that need to be considered.
– Complex detailing
– A lot of time to install
– Dry concrete
– Protection against back-filling
– Protection against UV
– Concrete 28 days old
– A lot of labour to install
– Skilled applicators
– Maintenance
– Damaged sheet membranes allow water to undercut/spread below them entering
the structures in areas not adjacent to the damage creating very real repair issues
These are the disadvantages of sheet membranes. There are many sheet membranes based on different raw materials with varying qualities and thicknesses. How do you select the correct one, it’s difficult? why continue with old technology with proven faults when other more modern technologies exist that are developed with ease of use in mind and longevity of performance. The trend is to move to products that are formulated with local conditions in mind based on the latest nanotechnologies. During recent years integrally waterproofed concrete has become the preferred method of waterproofing in many countries either as an admixture or spray applied sub surface membrane. This is known as waterproofing by crystallization.
